Large healthy certified organic tomato plants in “trade” gallon pots, are now available for purchase at High and Dry Farm. These are $9 each, including tax. This is slightly cheaper than the big box stores charge for plants that are not certified organic.
Plants can be picked up at our self-serve farmstand at 32814 120th St. SE.
Order and prepay on-line before pick-up.
We have the following varieties: Abe Lincoln, Amish Paste, Arkansas Marvel, Aunt Ginny’s Purple, Aunt Ruby’s Green, Aussie, Austin Red pear, Beam’s Yellow Pear, Benviento, Big beef, Bison, Black Beauty, Black Cherry, Black Krim, Bloody Butcher, Brandywine, Camp Joy, Carbon, Cherokee Purple, Dingwall Scotty, Earl of Edgemont, Estiva, Flamme, Frachetta di manduria. German Johnson, Goose Creek, Grandpa’s Minnesota, Ibsen’s Gold, Ilses Yellow, Impulse, Jasper, Kellogg’s Breakfast, Kimberly, Lucky Bee, Manitoba, Neve’s Azorean Red, New Hampshire Surecrop, Olga’s Round Yellow Egg, Peace Vine, Prescott, Pruden’ Purple, Sakura, Salvaterres, San Marzano, Sebastopol, Ste Lucie, Stupice, Sungold, Sunpeach, Tommy toe