Stop global warming. Plant zuccini

Here is my modest proposal to stop global warming.   Global warming results from increasing levels of atmospheric green house gases, principally CO2. Plants convert CO2 into cellulose, reducing atmospheric CO2. Therefore, I propose to plant the state of Kansas border to border with zuccini. Zuccini will be harvested when they reach full size, trucked to Arizona, and chucked into the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon has a total volume of 4.17 trillion cubic meters. Estimating that the dry weight of zuccini is 10% of their total weight, filling the canyon to the brim with zuccini will consume 417 trillion kilograms of CO2. In the dry climate of Arizona, the zuccini will not decompose for many years. Human activity releases 27 trillion kilograms of CO2 per year. Thus, filling the Grand Canyon with zuccini will consume sufficient CO2 to stop global warming for the next 15 years.

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