Variety |
Abe Lincoln |
Alaska |
Alicante |
Amish Paste |
Ananas Noir |
Anna Russian |
Argentina |
Aunt Ginny’s Purple |
Aunt Lucy’s Italian Paste |
Austin’s Red Pear |
Beam’s Yellow Pear |
Besser |
Black Cherry |
Black Krim |
Black Pear |
Black Plum |
Black Prince |
Bloody Butcher |
Bonnie Best |
Boxcar Willie |
Brad’ Black Heart |
Brandywine (Landis Valley) |
Baselbieter Roeteli |
Buckbee’s New 50 Day |
Burraker’s favorite |
Bush Beefsteak |
Camp Joy |
Carmello |
Caspian pink |
Cherokee Green |
Chianti Rose |
Costoluto Genovese |
Coyote |
Cream Sausage |
Cskos Botermo |
Cuostralee |
Dagma’s Perfection |
Debarao |
Delicious |
Earl of Edgecomb |
Early Wonder |
Eva Purple Ball |
Fireworks |
First Pick |
Flamme |
Forme de Cour |
Fred Limbaugh |
Galina grande |
Gigantesque |
Gill’s All Purpose |
Grandpa’s Minnesota |
Green Zebra |
Hezhou |
Holland |
Ilse’s Yellow Latvian |
Impulse |
Indische Fleiche |
Ispolin |
Italian Tree |
Kellog?s Breakfast |
Kimberly |
Koralik |
Lahman pink |
Long Keeper |
Manitoba |
Manyel |
Marglobe |
Marianna’s Peace |
Marmande |
Martino?s Roma |
Mexico |
Mom’s Paste |
Money Maker |
Mr. Brown |
Mrs. Maxwell Big Italian |
Mule Team |
Napoli |
Neve’s Azorean Red |
New Hampshire Surecrop |
Nyagous |
Old Brooks |
Old German |
Olga’s Round Yellow Chicken |
Panatero Romanesco |
Paul Robeson |
Pink Ponderosa |
Porter |
Prescott |
Purple Russian |
Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe |
Red Pear |
Red Siberian |
Riviera |
Russian Big Roma |
Rutgers |
Saint Lucie |
Saint Pierre |
Salisaw café |
San Marzano |
Sasha Altai |
Sausage |
Sebastopol |
Sister |
Slava |
Stupice |
Sunsets Red Horizon |
Tiffen Mennonite |
Tigerella |
Tondino di Manduria |
Wapsicon Peach |
Watermelon beefsteak |
Wisconsin 55 |
Yellow Pear |
Zarnitza |
Last Call
As Spring has transitioned to Summer, I am wrapping up sales of tomato starts. I delivered 300 plants, in gallon containers, to local stores, and almost all of these have sold. Another 120 went into my garden. A couple dozen more are being moved into 5 gallon containers, for growth in the greenhouse. The root balls of the remainder will be composted to create potting soil for next year.
Nothing exceeds like excess
Today I will begin planting seeds indoors for tomato plant starts. This year I plan to plant the following varieties. Are there any varieties I should add to the list?
- Abe Lincoln
- Alaska
- Alicante
- Amish Paste
- Ananas Noir
- Anna Russian
- Argentina
- Aunt Ginny’s Purple
- Aunt Lucy’s Italian Paste
- Austin’s Red Pear
- Azoychka
- Beam’s Yellow Pear
- Besser
- Black Cherry
- Black Krim
- Black Pear
- Black Plum
- Black Prince
- Bloody Butcher
- Bonnie Best
- Boxcar Willy
- Brad’ Black Heart
- Brandywine (Landis Valley)
- Brederbadl roti
- Buckbee’s New 50 Day
- Burraker’s Best
- Bush BeefsteK
- Camp Joy
- Carmello
- Caspian pink
- Cherokee Green
- Chianti Rose
- Costoluto Genovese
- Coyote
- Cream Sausage
- Cskos Botermo
- Cuostralee
- Dagma’s Perfection
- Debarao
- Delicious
- Earl of Edgecomb
- Early Wonder
- Eva Purple Ball
- Fireworks
- First Pick
- Flamme
- Forme de Cour
- Fred Limbaugh
- Galina grande
- Gigantesque
- Gill’s All Purpose
- Grandpa’s Minnesota
- Green Zebra
- Hezhou
- Holland
- Ilse’s Yellow Latvian
- Impulse
- Indische Fleiche
- Ispolin
- Italian Tree
- Kellog?s Breakfast
- Kimberly
- Koralik
- Lahman pink
- Long Keeper
- Manitoba
- Manyel
- Marglobe
- Marianna’s Peace
- Marmande
- Martino?s Roma
- Mexico
- Mom’s Paste
- Money Maker
- Mr. Brown
- Mrs. Maxwell Big Italian
- Mule Team
- Napoli
- Neve’s Azorean Red
- New Hampshire Surecrop
- Nyagous
- Old Brooks
- Old German
- Olga’s Round Yellow Chicken
- Panatero Romanesco
- Paul Robeson
- Pink Ponderosa
- Porter
- Prescott
- Purple Russian
- Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe
- Red Pear
- Red Siberian
- Riviera
- Russian Big Roma
- Rutgers
- Saint Lucie
- Saint Pierre
- Salisaw caf‚
- San Marzano
- Sasha Altai
- Sausage
- Sebastopol
- Sister
- Slava
- Stupice
- Sunsets Red Horizon
- Tiffen Mennonite
- Tigerella
- Tondino di Manduria
- Wapsicon Peach
- Watermelon beefsteak
- Wisconsin 55
- Yellow Pear
- Zarnitza
Early tomatoes
First Fruit!
Looking ahead to tomato season, I ordered 150 recycled 1 gallon plastic pots from Nursery Pot Liquidators on eBay. Their price is terrific and from my experience with them last year, I expect the quality to be good.